Rooted Change: 4 Ways We Can Inspire the Freedom to Dream

Young people of color (YPOC) are fighting for the right to exist in their full bodies — with their full voices — in freedom, safety, joy, and power. To prevent future generations from experiencing reduced access to health, education, and economic opportunities, we must disrupt the dehumanization and systemic oppression that boys and young men of color (BYMOC) face in our society.

Rooted Change, the newest initiative of The Moriah Group (TMG), will not only help us craft a more equitable world for young people of color. It will also continue to fuel TMG’s mission to implement sustainable solutions for social change. Through Rooted Change, we aim to develop a platform that fosters collaborative efforts across sectors, generations, and cultures —  with a particular emphasis on addressing the needs of BYMOC in these communities.

We’re excited and intentional about the mission and name of Rooted Change. “Rooted” speaks to root causes — the systems, practices, and policies — that are entrenched in the inequitable and oppressive beliefs that dim the light of young people and limit their opportunities to thrive. “Change” represents the focus on and commitment to transform their world as an outcome of our work. We must do something different. The name is also a cultural acknowledgment of our communities of color, our ancestral connections, and our legacy.

Because it will take all of us to collectively craft a more equitable world for young people of color, we’re calling on you to help us inspire the “Freedom to Dream” among our young people in four crucial ways. We must come together to:

  1. Spur philanthropic and system leaders to elevate the power of BYMOC and act on their behalf. We must challenge and change the narratives about  young people of color, strengthen relationships across youth-focused organizations and efforts, and fortify organizations working in these communities.
  2. Cultivate a world where young people of color are thriving in safe, healthy, and flourishing communities. They should have equitable access to resources and programming that integrates culturally responsive healing practices. They must have strong, healthy relationships with and an understanding of each other — no matter their gender identity, cultural background, or life circumstances. And boys and young men of color, in particular, should be humanized and celebrated for the gifts that they are.
  3. Offer opportunities for young people of color to experience joy and freedom at every stage of their lives. They deserve to thrive in secure and healthy families that are undivided by harmful systems and illness, receive affirming education, and freely chart their life paths without barriers. They should live in vibrant, well-resourced, self-sustaining communities — with thriving businesses and organizations, political representation of their interests, and self-determination. They invest in their well-being recognizing the importance of their interconnectedness and interdependence with each other. Full participation in economic sustainability and higher education is also necessary.
  4. Advance positive life outcomes for young people of color through capacity building, narrative change, and collaboration. We proudly stand up the Rooted Change initiative on the shoulders of those who came before us and those walking beside us today. Our work is inspired by advocates who started movements related to young people of color, BYMOC, social and healing justice, and many other justice and rights movements. Rooted Change is also inspired by Executives’ Alliance, which played a transformational role in this space. New organizations; approaches; and deep, long-term commitments have been generated from that initial work, and we will proudly join our fellow advocates in creating a better world for young people of color.
In this new season of urgency and collective action, Rooted Change will reframe and reclaim the narrative for young people of color.

In this new season of urgency and collective action, Rooted Change will reframe and reclaim the narrative for young people of color, share stories and models for liberation across multiple audiences, and advocate at all levels of society to disrupt harmful systems.

We will root out negative narratives and direct resources and capacity into healing and affirming organizations and communities that work to ensure young people thrive. We have also reignited The Field Leaders’ Table, which was borne out of the Executives’ Alliance. This network of community-based leaders from across the nation will help Rooted Change drive transformative initiatives for the betterment of BYMOC.

Collective action is required for change. I invite you to join us in our community and healing-centered efforts to affect change, and we welcome invitations from you in similar efforts so that our young people of color — especially our boys and young men of color — can be free to dream a life of dignity, joy, success, belonging, and longevity.

Join, support, follow, and learn more about Rooted Change:

LinkedIn: Rooted Change

Instagram: @rooted_change

Facebook: @Rooted Change

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